Protea Introduces the GPR-850 Gel Protein Recovery System

31 Jan 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

The GPR® System delivers efficient recovery of gel separated intact proteins through a multiplexed, automated, microfluidics chip-based process.

The Gel Protein Recovery (GPR) System empowers you with an easy and efficient system for intact protein recovery from polyacrylamide gels. Using the GPR-850 instrument, GPRchips™, and GPR reagents, you will recover molecules for subsequent top-down proteomics to facilitate effective protein identification, characterization, and quantitation by mass spectrometry, all while boosting your efficiency.

Advanced microfluidic GPRchip allows for effective protein extraction from gels.
An automated process in a molecule friendly physico-chemical environment.

High Throughput
Eight-channel parallel processing can simultaneously extract proteins from 8 different gel spots.
8 channel extraction time < 20 min.

Non-disruptive Workflow
Microfluidic analytical path provides efficient recovery and a smooth workflow.
Preserves sample integrity for accurate information.

Ease of Use
Standardizes workflow and provides access to protein recovery to everyone in the lab.
Effective top-down proteomics is made accessible by automation and specialized chemistries.

Experience the GPR-850 with unique color options!

