Protedyne Announces Ability to Integrate the LightCycler® 480 System for Real-Time PCR Assays in Life Science Research

27 Jul 2006
Kerry Parker

Protedyne Corporation, a leading designer of industrial automation, announced today that they have integrated their new Radius™ bench top robotic system with Roche Diagnostics’ LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System to create an automated high-throughput solution for real-time PCR assays. The robust and flexible Radius system is an ideal match for the versatile LightCycler 480 instrument and provides the speed and reproducibility needed for these assays.

Protedyne’s Radius is a new bench top robotic system using the principles of industrial automation to offer the highest levels of flexibility, reproducibility, and process control for today’s busy laboratories. Its unique radial design and vertical construction provide maximum functionality that can access areas of the bench top beyond its own footprint for simple and cost-effective device integration. The Radius system uses Protedyne’s software that easily adapts to multiple protocols – and SmartTools™, easily interchangeable tools with built-in microprocessors that store tool calibration information and track performance data.

“Protedyne’s Radius was a logical choice for the LightCycler 480 system as our technology provides the efficiency and throughput needed for highly-reproducible preparation across a broad range of scientific applications in genomics research,” said Fran Tuttle, President and CEO of Protedyne. “By combining the two systems, we can deliver to our customers exactly the throughput they are trying to achieve.”

The integrated platform will be on display at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry’s annual show in Chicago, July 25-27, 2006 (Booth #205.)

