Protein biochip: An innovation for healthcare

18 May 2008

Randox Laboratories Ltd. release of the world’s first protein biochip and the Evidence immunoassay analyser is set to revolutionise healthcare and diagnosis.

Biochip Array Technology uses a biochip as the reaction platform with multiple individual tests at pre-defined discrete test regions. When a patient sample is added, each individual test is performed side by side on the biochip surface. This innovative procedure offers high end technology, producing results rapidly and to the highest standard.

Randox’s Evidence analyser has an extensive range of attributes. This analyser has an impressive throughput of 108 samples per hour multiplied by the number of tests on the biochip, which can be up to 23 tests. Not only does the Evidence boast a high throughput, it has a host of advantageous features. These include clear and easy-to-operate graphic user interface, regular updates of onboard inventory details, QC software, retrospective reporting, results archiving, test selection profiles and LIMS connectivity.

The Evidence analyser is supported by Randox quality controls, 24/7 Internet-driven peer group reporting scheme, and EQA from the Randox International Quality Assurance Scheme (RIQAS). Evidence provides multi-analyte test results of the highest quality available. Biochip arrays already available include cardiac, cerebral, cytokines, adhesion molecules, Drugs of Abuse, anti-microbials, growth promoters, and the RanplexCRC Array for colorectal cancer screening. Many laboratories around the world are already using the biochip platform and benefiting from better diagnosis.

