Protein Separation Simplified with Powerful Benchtop System

10 Dec 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

NuSep’s MF10 offers complete flexibility for a wide range of laboratory scale protein separations on a versatile and easy to use benchtop instrument. The MF10 can fractionate or concentrate protein on the basis of size and / or charge, as well as differentially deplete samples of charged or uncharged interfering compounds.

A user configurable cassette accepts up to 8 size exclusion membranes (conveniently color coded and ranging from 5KDa – 500KDa) for the separation of one or two samples (50ul – 1ml) into 2-8 fractions. The scientist has complete control of buffer, pH, eletrophoretic conditions and temperature allowing proteins to be separated under both native and denaturing conditions with separated fractions quickly and easily recovered by pipette.

The introduction of the MF10 offers the researcher a versatile and powerful system for protein fractionation, sample preparation for 2-D PAGE, Mass Spec as well as a growing number of applications that include rapid desalting of samples, removal of charged and uncharged species from Urea or detergents and the control of denaturing conditions for proteomic studies. Application notes available on request.

