ProteoNic and Oxford Expression Technologies Join Forces Combining UNic™ with flashBAC™ Protein Expression Platform

11 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

ProteoNic BV, the protein production experts, and Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd (OET), a leading provider of baculovirus-based protein expression products and services, have joined forces in the field of recombinant protein production technology with the aim of jointly offering a superior platform and services. Several projects combining ProteoNic’s UNic™ translation enhancement elements with OET’s flash BAC™ system have been initiated.

Both companies will be attending the BIO Europe Spring in Milan coming March 14 - 16 where OET will be presenting.

Under the collaboration, the companies will be combining ProteoNic’s award winning UNic™ translation enhancement technology with OET’s flashBAC™ system to further enhance protein yields through the synergistic effect of these two technologies. On its own, UNic™ technology is capable of enhancing protein yields up to ten-fold in mammalian, fungal and yeast production hosts for a range of commercially relevant proteins.

Dr Richard Broadhead, Sales Manager at OET commented: “At OET we always strive to improve our protein expression system in order to obtain even better yields and quality of recombinant proteins. The collaboration with ProteoNic is a perfect strategic fit for us, as ProteoNic’s UNic™ expression technology will further enhance the capabilities of our flashBAC™ system and allow us to access complimentary capabilities in protein production.”

Victor Schut, Chief Business Officer at ProteoNic added: “OET has proven to be one of the leaders in baculovirus protein expression technology. Their flashBAC™ system enables faster, easier and more cost-effective protein production compared to other expression methods. We are proud to team up with them and together develop an even more efficient system. With this collaboration, ProteoNic adds yet another expression platform to its portfolio and benefits from OET’s expertise and track record. Our combined expertise will be of great value to our customers.”

