Publication of key performance data for the CellMaker Lite2 with yeast cells <i>(Pichia pastoris)</i>

30 Sept 2007

Cellexus Biosystems plc, the PLUS quoted specialist in the design, manufacture and commercialisation of novel disposable technology for growing cells, is pleased to announce that it has published a new Technical Note describing the performance of CellMaker Lite2™ for the culture of Pichia Pastoris cells. he note benchmarks the CellMaker Lite2 against the traditional shaker-flask approach for growth in a two-stage process.

The study reports the use of the single-use CellexusBag™ to culture Pichia to densities significantly higher than were achieved with flasks grown concurrently with the same media and cells. Cells were grown at high aeration rates in a two-step process and were used to assess the suitability of a disposable bioreactor as a way of producing a seed-train for the inoculation of traditional bioreactors used for large-scale protein manufacture. The Study was performed independently by a contract manufacturing company in the UK.

The CellMaker Lite2 was launched in May 2007 and has already demonstrated its superior performance for the culture of E.coli compared with shaker flasks.

The Technical Note can be downloaded via the article webpage.

