Pump improves reliability of solvent evaporator

5 Apr 2006

Genevac, a leading manufacturer of solvent evaporation technology for the life sciences industry, is using BOC Edwards’ XDS dry scroll vacuum pumps in its HT series of high-performance centrifugal evaporators.

Genevac was looking to increase the reliability of its HT series and approached BOC Edwards to provide maintenance-free pumps capable of handling harsh solvent vapours.

Centrifugal evaporators are used by scientists during the lead development and discovery stages of drug research, to remove solvents from chemical compounds. The vacuum pump is integral to this process because it reduces the atmospheric pressure, and thus the temperature at which the solvent boils, improving the efficiency of the process. Vacuum pumps are also used to remove the solvents safely - the solvent vapour being pumped away to a refrigerated cold trap, where it is condensed.

“Drug development is a multi-million pound business and there is an ever increasing need for 100% reliability and minimum process downtime,” says Rob Darrington, business development manager, Genevac. “Providing our clients with the best technology for sample integrity is key to our business. To do this we continually look for ways to improve our products and this includes reviewing the equipment used at every stage of the evaporation process.”

Genevac had previously been using Cole pump technology for the HT series but the pumping chamber required regular topping up with oil. Genevac wanted to provide customers with a ‘fit and forget’ system that reduced the time and costs associated with maintenance, so began investigating ‘dry’ vacuum pumps.

Dry pumps have no lubricants under vacuum, eliminating the need for regular oil changes, therefore reducing maintenance and environmental impact. It also means there is no possibility of process contamination, an important benefit in high cost pharmaceutical applications.

The company turned to BOC Edwards for advice in recommending the most appropriate dry pump for the HT series. Following a visit to Genevac and research of the HT series BOC Edwards recommended its XDS range.

“The XDS is a dry scroll pump,” explains Dave Picknell, product marketing manager, scientific primary pumps, BOC Edwards. “The patented XDS design means the bearings are isolated from the vacuum so no bearings, bearing purges, grease or oil are under vacuum. As a result the pump is virtually maintenance free. XDS also has proven capability in applications involving aggressive chemicals so offers reliable operation despite the presence of solvents.”

The XDS10 is used in Genevac’s largest unit, the HT-24, and offers a high volume flow rate of up to 10m3/hr. The smaller XDS5, which offers flow rates of up to 5m3/hr is used in Genevac’s HT-4X, HT-8 and HT-12 products. These flow rates enable a high throughput of solvents and fast evaporation. Both rugged pumps, they are also quiet during operation with low heat emission.

“Since implementing BOC Edwards’ ™ pumps in our HT series evaporators our customers have benefited from reduced service call-outs,” comments Mr Darrington.

