Q Chip introduces Rational Capsule Design to improve drug bioavailability and kinetics

10 Feb 2006

Q Chip has introduced Rational Capsule Design technology - a new application for its patented microencapsulation technique. Rational Capsule Design takes the innovative approach of designing the delivery solution around an individual therapy or administration route, thereby addressing some limitations of current drug delivery methods.

Q Chip developed the proprietary Rational Capsule Design microchemistry technology by integrating its expertise in microfluidics, polymers and molecular biology. This has enabled the development of uniform, precisely-loaded microcapsules, using any biocompatible polymer, which can be further functionalised to confer desirable delivery characteristics. Optimal delivery characteristics can therefore be tailored for each particular therapeutic application. These include reliable controlled release, stabilisation and immunoisolation (protection of biopharmaceutical or cell therapies in situ), and localisation of drug action at disease site.

“Our Rational Capsule Design technology offers a number of key advantages” explained Q Chip’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr Jo Daniels. “Because we can design novel microcapsules not currently achievable, our technology is fully customisable and can deliver active compounds, biologics and cell therapies. Also with less than 2% variation in microcapsule size, dosing and delivery is reliably consistent. Finally, with our proprietary GMP-compliant MicroPlants™, scale-up to commercial volumes is achievable”.

Q Chip is focusing theirRational Capsule Design programme on co-developments with partners who require delivery strategies for product life-cycle extension or new product development. “Current programmes include Type I diabetes and cancer” said Dr Daniels, “and we are looking to make collaborations in areas such as chronic life threatening conditions, combination products and cell therapies”.
