QIAsymphony RGQ® Sets New Standards for Molecular Testing

31 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The QIAsymphony RGQ® from QIAGEN is a novel and flexible automated system for molecular testing, incorporating all workflow steps from sample to detection. This new and complete workflow solution is comprised of modules that can be used as stand-alone systems or combined into a fully integrated system. QIAsymphony thus provides laboratories with a system that transforms their work in the emerging field of molecular diagnostics.

This new and complete workflow solution is comprised of modules that can be used as stand-alone systems or combined into a fully integrated system. The QIAsymphony RGQ system comprises the physical and data integration of the modules QIAsymphony SP for sample preparation, QIAsymphony AS for assay setup, and the Rotor-Gene® Q real time PCR thermocycler. QIAsymphony also provides the broadest available PCR-based assay menu, including the artus™ real time PCR kits for the detection of HIV, HCV, HBV, and a transplantation panel with CMV, EBV, HSV, VZV and BKV1. A large pipeline of further tests will be launched in the coming months, including therascreen® EGFR, KRAS, as well as artus Influenza, CT, CT/Ng and an extended transplantation panel1. Many more tests are in development as well as the ability to integrate detection options such as pyrosequencing, and multiplexing solutions.

Dr. Mark Wasner, at the MVZ für Mikrobiologie, Labordiagnostik und Hygiene Dessau GmbH, a private medical laboratory in Dessau, Germany, is among the first users of the novel QIAsymphony RGQ. “The advantage of the QIAsymphony RGQ is the broad spectrum of applications for medical laboratories, such as the option to combine in-house and IVD applications,” said Dr. Wasner.
The complete CE-IVD-compliant workflow of the standardized system enables reliable pathogen detection with the flexibility to process multiple input formats and a varying number of 1-72 samples per run. The QIAsymphony RGQ also offers workflow optimization through the option for parallel runs and flexible batch sizes and intuitive, easy-to-use software.

“Our new integrated and validated QIAsymphony RGQ system has been developed to meet the testing needs of molecular diagnostic laboratories now and in the future”, said Peer Schatz, QIAGEN's Chief Executive Officer. “Following the launch, QIAGEN will continue to expand the menu and the features of the QIAsymphony series and customers can expect very powerful additions in respect to sample input and processing, instrument performance and continuous expansion of the exceptional instrument testing panel that is available already today.”

