QIAxcel replaces time-consuming slab-gel electrophoresis

28 Jan 2008

QIAGEN today announced the launch of QIAxcel, an innovative automated system that will replace tedious and time-consuming methods of nucleic acid separation in low- to high-throughput laboratories. QIAxcel, which is designed to take the place of traditional slab-gel analysis, is characterized by an unprecedented sensitivity - detecting concentrations of nucleic acids as small as 0.1 ng/μl.

Nucleic acid separation technologies are widely used for quality control or as an analytical tool, such as to determine the size of DNA fragments, or obtain more information on an organism's genetic composition. Currently, the most commonly used method for nucleic acid separation is gel electrophoresis, using manually poured slab gels. However, this method is highly labor-intensive and exposes users to hazardous chemicals such as ethidium bromide.

The QIAxcel system overcomes the bottlenecks of manual gel preparation, making nucleic acid separation easier and faster than ever. The system uses ready-to-go gel cartridges that allow samples to be prepared with minimal hands-on interaction, reducing manual handling errors and avoiding exposure to toxic reagents. QIAxcel can analyze up to 96 samples per run; 12 protocols can be performed in as little as five minutes.

Preprogrammed protocols, in combination with corresponding gel cartridges, allow separation and analysis of a variety of nucleic acids, including singleplex or multiplex PCR fragments, DNA digested with restriction endonucleases, synthesized oligonucleotides, total RNA, and complementary RNA (cRNA).

The high detection sensitivity provided by the QIAxcel analyzer enables reproducible results, even with low nucleic acid concentrations. With resolution as low as 3-5 bp, the QIAxcel analyzer delivers greater accuracy than slab-gel analysis and a high degree of confidence in data interpretation.

"With QIAxcel, we are proud to bring nucleic acid separation to a higher level of efficiency than previously seen in our industry. The system can be handled easily with little user training, thus enabling a smooth implementation into the laboratory," said Wolfgang Leibinger, Global Business Director of Automated Systems at QIAGEN.

