QImaging: Delivering Performance with New High Quality OEM Series Cameras and Dedicated OEM Product Development Website

16 Jul 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

QImaging, a manufacturer of scientific cameras for life science and OEM applications, has launched a new QI OEM camera platform designed specifically to enhance instrument sensitivity and throughput with superior linearity, range and image quality, at an affordable price. Additionally, QImaging has partnered with Photometrics®to launch an online OEM product development website for biomedical instrumentation builders. This new portal combines the best OEM products and services from QImaging, known for cost effective design, and Photometrics, a leading high performance imaging company.

The new QImaging QI674, QI695 and QI825 cameras offer state-of-the-art, highly efficient CCD sensor technology, full flexibility over image readout patterns and signal binning along with deep cooling that virtually eliminates dark current noise. These innovations positively impact instrument design by improving the limits of photon detection and quantification, increasing the amount of imaging data obtained from biomedical samples.

Coinciding with the QI OEM Series debut is the launch of oemimaging.com, a dedicated online resource created for OEM customers who are engaged in camera integration across a wide range of application areas. By combining QImaging and Photometrics’ resources, customers have access to decades of OEM experience and imaging expertise. Cameras like the QI674, QI695 and QI825 add to the robust technology portfolio now showcased on oemimaging.com and present solutions for all phases of device development.

“Instrument designers have traditionally considered high-quality scientific cameras only relevant for very expensive products,” said Steven Smith, product manager at QImaging. “We are thrilled to eliminate that barrier with the launch of the QI OEM series cameras. These new imaging instruments expand our comprehensive range of solutions for our customers who also now have a dedicated product development website to manage their projects at oemimaging.com.”

The new QI OEM series cameras include:

• Extreme Low Light Imaging: Increased exposure time and binning enables detection of the faintest signals with deep sensor cooling of less than 2e-/pixel/hour.

• Rapid Find and Focus: 50MHz two port readout simplifies finding and focusing on samples, while the ultra-low noise 725 KHz readout reduces electronic noise to negligible levels.

• Intelligent Quantification™: A set of on camera intelligence features that correct defective pixels, remove accumulated dark current and greatly extend dynamic range beyond 16 bits, employing advanced real-time FPGA algorithms to deliver better image quality.

• Superior Image Capture Technology: Advanced anti-blooming, two-shot EDR (extended dynamic range) and HDR (high dynamic range) extend dynamic range by using separate exposures to capture the brightest and weakest signals in the sample.

• Customization and Flexibility: Customer customization of mechanicals, sensors, algorithms and testing protocols ensure that investment in the QI platform pays for decades.

