Quality Control of milk samples with LISSY

31 Jul 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

To guarantee the quality of milk, a lot of tests are performed, for example, testing for brucellosis, leucosis or antibiotic residues. Using the LISSY up to one thousand samples per dairy can be processed quickly, precisely and reproducibly. The raw samples can be placed in their original sample containers directly on the platform. From there an aliquot is taken and transferred to a microtiter plate. Then standards and controls are easily added depending on the test protocol. Finally the plate is analysed in the integrated reader.

Barcode labelling of the bottles and milk boxes guarantee full sample control and traceability.

Methods can be adapted readily to the daily number of samples using the flexible software WinLISSY. Different sample amounts from different dairies can also all be processed in one run.

