Quantachrome Introduces the New Quadrasorb evo™ Surface Area and Pore Size Analyzer
1 Nov 2013
Quantachrome Instruments introduces the newest evolution of its four station gas sorption analyzer, the Quadrasorb evo™. Quatachrome’s Quadrasorb evo™ Surface Area and Pore Size Analyzer is designed to satisfy busy laboratory needs for high analytical throughput, without sacrificing precision, flexibility or cost-effectivness. Up to four simultaneous and independent analysis ports remove the limitations of single dewar systems allowing samples to be started as soon as previous measurements are completed.
A dedicated transducer has been provided for measurement of Po (adsorbate saturated vapor pressure), so that continually measuring Po does not slow down analysis capabilities. The new B.E.T. “QuickMode™” provides high throughput industrial materials characterization labs the ability to process samples at dramatically improved speeds.
The Quadrasorb evo™ uniquely combines high throughput, and analysis speed with unmatched flexibility. Dramatically improved analysis times have been accomplished through new proprietary features such as QuickMode™ , and Dose Wizard™. QuickMode™ allows the analysis of B.E.T. surface area measurements as much as 50% faster. The Dose Wizard™ allows the use of a previously measured sample as a template, also significantly reducing analysis times.
Quadrasorb evo™ is available with either 2, 3, or 4 analysis ports. Once purchased, a customer can seamlessly add analysis ports, up to the maximum of four, as their lab’s throughput and capacity needs change. In addition the Quadrasorb evo™ is available in either the standard B.E.T. configuration, or in the low pressure micropore configuration. A laboratory can upgrade to the low pressure micropore model if their testing needs should ever change.
Quantachrome Instruments, founded in 1968, is a world leader in the design, manufacture, sales, and service support of analytical instrumentation for characterizing properties of porous materials and powders. Dedicated to providing the highest quality scientific instrumentation and product lifetime support, Quantachrome has more than 50 sales, service, and distribution offices worldwide.