Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers have been Re-Developed for Even Better Results

4 Mar 2008

Rainbow™ Molecular Weight Markers have been upgraded to enable faster and simpler identification of proteins on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The ready-to-load markers provide sharper bands on gels and blots and have improved band spacing for more accurate molecular weight determination. The bright, distinctive colors of the markers allow easier confirmation of transfer to blotting membranes and orientation.

  • Full-range Rainbow Markers (Mr 12 000 to 225 000) use ten separate proteins with six different colors.
  • High-range Rainbow Markers (Mr 12 000 to 225 000) use eight separate proteins with six different colors.
  • Low-range Rainbow Markers (Mr 3 500 to 38 000) use seven separate proteins with five different colors.
  • For use on SDS-PAGE.

