Raman Imaging at the Speed of Light: SWIFT™ and DuoScan™ – New Fast Scanning Raman Technology

9 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

HORIBA Jobin Yvon have introduced two new fast Raman scanning technologies. SWIFT™ and DuoScan™ now make incredibly fast Raman imaging a reality.

SWIFT™ (Scanning With Incredibly Fast Times) enables unmatched per pixel measurement times as fast as 7ms. A 50,000 spectrum image can be obtained in 6 minutes. SWIFT™ can be used with a choice of different detectors and uses either standard motorized mapping stages or piezo stages for when very small step sizes are required.

DuoScan™ introduces a revolutionary scanning method. Unique scanning hardware enables the image pixel size to be chosen to match features of interest enabling optimized mapping speeds. Unlike many Raman imaging methods, DuoScan™ retains the full confocal advantage of the Raman technique without restriction on laser wavelength.

Combining SWIFT™ and DuoScan™ results in unprecedented fast mapping of large samples. Whole pharmaceutical tablets can be measured in ten minutes or less.

