Raman microspectroscopy, colorimetry and intensity mapping of large displays with microscopic spatial resolution

31 Aug 2020
Edward Carter
Publishing / Media

CRAIC Technologies has introduced the 20/30 XL™ UV-visible-NIR microspectrophotometer, which is designed to non-destructively analyze microscopic features of very large, flat panel displays by incorporating large scale sample handling.

With a spectral range from the deep ultraviolet to the near infrared, analysis of samples can be done by absorbance, reflectance, Raman, luminescence, and fluorescence with unparalleled speed and accuracy. The system can also be configured to image microscopic samples in the UV and NIR regions in addition to high-resolution color imaging. Due to its flexible design, which gives it the ability to analyze the largest displays, applications are numerous and include mapping color and intensity variations, film thickness measurements, and even scanning the surfaces of display components for defects. With the ability to analyze the spectra and to image microscopic features of very large devices, the 20/30 XL™ microspectrophotometer is a cutting-edge micro-analysis tool for laboratories and manufacturing facilities.

“CRAIC Technologies has been an innovator in the field of UV-visible-NIR microanalysis since its founding. We have helped to advance the field of microscale analysis with innovative instrumentation, software, research and teaching. The 20/30 XL™ microspectrophotometer was born out of demand from our industrial customers to be able to analyze microscopic features of very large flat panel displays” states Dr. Paul Martin, President of CRAIC Technologies. “As such, we have listened to our customers and created the 20/30 XL™, a system backed by years of experience in designing, building and the using of this type of instrumentation for spectroscopic and image analysis.”

The 20/30 XL™ microspectrophotometer integrates an advanced CRAIC Technologies Lightblades™ spectrophotometers with a sophisticated UV-visible-NIR range microscope optics and powerful, easy-to-use Lambdafire™ software. This flexible instrument is designed to attach to large sample handling frames so that even the largest displays may be analyzed. It is able to acquire data from microscopic features of very large samples by absorbance, reflectance and several types of luminescence spectroscopy, in addition to microcolorimetry, film thickness measurements, Raman microspectroscopy and even imaging in the UV, visible and NIR regions. Sophisticated software, calibrated variable apertures and other innovations all point to a new level of sophistication for microanalysis with the 20/30 XL™.

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