Raman Workstation

29 Nov 2006

The McPherson, Inc. Raman Workstation, a total spectroscopy solution, is complete and optimized for a given application and wavelength range. Systems are available for the popular laser lines from 325 to 830nm.

For short ultraviolet wavelengths (for example, 244nm) , the novel McPherson, Inc. prism predisperser is used as a sharp cut-off filter. Systems include a solid-state laser, specialty filter(s,) sample chamber with laser focusing and signal collection optics. They are also available with a sample chamber compatible with cryogenic sample holders for photoluminescence (PL) work.

The Raman Workstation, a unique open architectural, single stage Raman instrument, provides high throughput and low scatter. All elements are mounted, aligned and integrated with a research grade 350nm, f/4.8 spectrometer with CCD and software. The user friendly single stage instrument assures good signal to noise and ease of use for detection of Raman shifted above about 300 wavenumbers from the Raleigh scatter. Open architecture means room to grow. If need arises to modify operating conditions, system elements may be specially modified, altered, or replaced. Accessible system components ease instruction and operation. The McPherson Raman Workstation simplifies working with Raman techniques. It helps novice users collect data without difficulty. Used for Raman or PL, it is ideally suited for research, analytical and teaching laboratories.

