Randox Launches New Immunoassay and Analyzer-specific BNP Liquid Controls

24 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

In response to growing European market demands, Randox Laboratories has launched a new liquid frozen, multi-platform Immunoassay control, together with an analyzer-specific, liquid BNP cardiac control.

All Randox controls are true third party controls, manufactured independently using quality, screened human serum. The controls are designed for use in the routine monitoring of accuracy and precision in patient sample testing.

The Immunoassay Control has been developed following extensive European research and includes the following analytes:

• Cardiac markers Troponin I and Troponin T
• Routine Tumor markers – CA15-3, CA19-9, CA125, B2-Microglobulin, fPSA and tPSA
• Specialist immunoassays – Anti-TPO, Androstenedione, Insulin and IGF-1.

The Immunoassay Control is available in 3 levels and is unassayed enabling laboratories to assign their own values and ranges. Stability for the thawed serum is variable (depending on analyte) but will be stable for up to 7 days when stored at +2-+8°c.

Randox has also launched analyzer specific, ready to use liquid BNP Controls for Beckman Access and DxI, Abbott Architect and Siemens Advia Centaur and Immulite analyzers. It is a true third party assayed control, with instrument specific target values and ranges provided.

The convenient, liquid ready-to-use format makes this quality control product ideal for Point-of-Care testing, while the 30 day open vial stability helps to reduce the possibility of waste.

In summary, the liquid BNP Control offers:

• Stability to expiry date at +2°C to +8°C
• Open vial stability of 30 days at +2°C to +8°C
• Three control levels, spanning the complete clinical range
• Unbiased assessment of performance – a true third party control

David Hunter, Global Manager - Quality Management Solutions at Randox said, “The launch of these two new quality controls demonstrates that we’re listening to our customers’ needs. The controls give laboratories the high levels of accuracy and stability they expect of Randox products within a convenient format.”

