Randox Offers Comprehensive QC Testing for Vitamin D

22 Dec 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Thanks to its frequent mention in the press, most people are aware of the essential role that Vitamin D plays in maintaining strong bones and muscles. What is less well known is that Vitamin D deficiency has also be linked to some serious health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders and cardiovascular disease. Recent research has indicated that approximately half of the world’s population are Vitamin D deficient so it is not surprising that the demand for vitamin testing is so high.

The Randox Acusera Immunoassay Premium Plus control is designed to monitor the accuracy and precision of up to 54 analytes, including 25-OH Vitamin D and 1-25(OH)2 Vitamin D. The control also provides instrument specific target values for a wide range of fertility hormones, thyroid hormones, steroid hormones, kidney function tests, therapeutic drugs and tumour markers.

Routinely run tumour markers and parameters are included in the control, such as intact PTH, allowing for the simplification of QC practices by dramatically reducing the number of controls used in the laboratory.

Three levels of control are available to cover the complete clinical range. With a shelf life of up to four years from the date of manufacture, the immunoassay premium plus control is suitable for long term QC monitoring and can significantly reduce the costs and problems associated with changing lot numbers. All of the Randox immunoassay controls are manufactured from 100% human material.

Vitamin D can also be found in Randox’s RIQAS EQA programme. RIQAS (Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme) is the world’s largest global EQA scheme with over 20,000 participants in over 100 countries worldwide. The extensive immunoassay programme offered by Randox includes 54 analytes including Vitamin D; however participants can choose to monitor a reduced number of analytes.

