Randox Showcases New H-FABP Assay at Medica 2011

18 Nov 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Randox has showcased a number of new products at Medica this year, including the Heart-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (H-FABP), a rapid immunoturbidimetric assay for the quantitative determination of this cytoplasmic protein.

H-FABP is involved in the intracellular uptake and buffering of free fatty acids in the myocardium, transporting them from the cell membrane to the mitochondria for oxidation. The combination of its low molecular weight and cytoplasmic location, enables H-FABP to be a highly sensitive early rise marker of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). H-FABP is released as early as 30 minutes after an ischemic episode and is 15-20 times more cardiac specific than Myoglobin.

Using the H-FABP assay in combination with Troponin, has been shown to significantly improve the diagnostic sensitivity for MI/ACS during the early hours after symptom onset, when compared to using the Troponin alone. This improvement in noted even when a highly sensitive Troponin assay is used.

H-FABP, taken 12-24 hours after admission, can identify Troponin negative ACS patients who are at long term risk of death. It can also identify a very high risk group of patients who warrant further investigation and possible intervention. Use of the combined H-FABP and Troponin assays can also prevent the unnecessary angiography procedures carried out due to false positive Troponin results.

The Randox H-FABP immunoturmidometric assay is suitable for use on Randox’s RX series of chemistry analyzers to give a fully quantitative determination of H-FABP in serum within 14 minutes. The assay is highly sensitive and shows excellent precision. Applications are also available for other major manufacturers’ analyzers.

In addition to aiding ACS diagnosis, H-FABP has been found to be clinically useful in a range of other applications, such as pulmonary embolism (PE), coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and cerebrovascular disease.

Sonia Nicholas, Clinical Diagnostics Editor.

