Randox Vanadate Oxidation Methodology Offers Superior Accuracy in Bilirubin Testing

24 Jun 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

With uncertainties emerging over the accuracy of Jendrassik (Diazo) based assays; Randox, the UK’s leading reagents manufacturer, moves to highlight the stability and precision of its Vanadate Oxidation methodology in patient samples.

Randox Vanadate Oxidation bilirubin is suitable for use with pediatric samples, providing an enhanced level of accuracy and reliability which is of particular importance in this area of diagnostics.

Susan McElhatton, Head of Global Reagents at Randox said challenging inaccuracy in the market is fundamental to patient diagnosis:

“Randox Vanadate Oxidation bilirubin can offer laboratories that run pediatric samples the confidence that they will receive correct results, therefore helping facilitate improved patient diagnosis and treatment.”

This superior bilirubin reagent is available for the innovative Randox RX automated analyzer series and a selection of other clinical chemistry systems, giving laboratories the opportunity to use a reagent which will give them accurate results, no matter what the patient sample type.

Furthermore, Randox Vanadate Oxidation bilirubin offers extended stability; up to 28 days as seen with the Randox RX series of analyzers. This ensures the laboratory can utilize the entire reagent before expiry of the assay and is far superior to more traditional Jendrassik (Diazo) methodologies which often have stabilities of less than one week.

To complement their comprehensive range of diagnostic reagents, Randox can also provide a wide range of quality controls designed to monitor the accuracy and precision of your diagnostic testing. To further assess the accuracy of your diagnostic testing Randox can also offer the international EQA scheme RIQAS, the world’s largest global EQA scheme with more than 23,000 participants in over 105 countries worldwide.

