Rapid Detection with New Trichomonas Monoclonal Antibodies

5 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

ViroStat introduces a set of new monoclonal antibodies for Trichomonas vaginalis and Trichomonas foetus which may aid in their rapid detection. Validated applications of these antibodies include immunoflourescence staining, ELISA and lateral flow.

Trichomonas vaginalis is a common human pathogen of the male and female urogenital tract leading to vaginitis and urethritis. Its high prevalence in carriers is associated with adverse outcomes during pregnancy. Diagnosis of this parasite commonly involves visual examination of microscopic smears (wet mount). More recently culture methods have been introduced. However, these can take several days for a result.

Trichomonas foetus likewise is a sexually transmitted pathogen of several animal species including cattle and cats and leads to reproductive failure in these animals.
