Rapid Extraction of DNA, RNA and Proteins from MP Biomedicals

9 Jul 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The FastPrep®-24 from MP Biomedicals is a versatile sample preparation system for the lysis of biological samples. Developed for difficult and resistant tissues and cells, it can process any sample in flexible quantities at cryogenic or room temperature with interchangeable adapters.

• Homogenizes Resistant Samples with Ease
• Processes any sample in flexible quantities (2ml, 4.5ml, 15ml or 50ml tubes) at cryogenic or room temperature with interchangeable adapters
• Delivers High Reproducibility due to Precise Setting of Lysis Time and Speed
• Eliminates Cross Contamination with Single-use Matrix Tubes
• Completes Sample Preparation for Extraction and Purification of DNA, RNA and Proteins with Available FastPrep Kits

Indeed, the FastPrep®-24 Instrument uses a unique, optimized motion to disrupt cells through the multidirectional, simultaneous beating of specialized Lysing Matrix beads on the sample material and offers the ultimate in versatility with 8 interchangeable adapters designed for high-throughput applications (sample holders for 24x2ml tubes, 48x2ml tubes and 24x4.5ml tubes), large volume samples (sample holders for 15x12ml tubes and 2x50ml tubes) and cryogenic lysis (sample holders for 24x2ml tubes, 6x15ml tubes and 2x50ml tubes).

Developed for difficult and resistant samples, the FastPrep®-24 Instrument lyses thoroughly and quickly any tissues and cells and thus allows easy and reproducible isolation of stable RNA, active proteins and full-length genomic DNA.

A completely self-contained system, the FastPrep®-24 Instrument eliminates the risk of cross-contamination and time-consuming clean-up associated with manual lysis method.
Samples and buffers are simply added to a Lysing Matrix tube containing specialized Lysing Matrix beads. The ergonomic design of the instrument ensures an easy loading of the sample tubes that remains securely sealed during the processing. The homogenization speed and duration times are digitally controlled. After setting your speed and time with the touch of a button, just push “run”, and in less than a minute your samples are completely lysed!

The vertical angular motion of the FastPrep®-24 Instrument causes the lysing matrix particles to impact the sample from all directions simultaneously, releasing nucleic acids and proteins into the protective buffer. After centrifugation, the supernatant is collected for further purification process.

When compared to traditional homogenization methods such as vortexing, syringe shearing, grinding with a mortar and pestle or hammering frozen samples with liquid nitrogen, the FastPrep®-24 homogenizer will save hours of work during the sample preparation stage and will provide higher yields of intact DNA, RNA and proteins.

A wide variety of specialized Lysing Matrix tubes containing beads of different material, size and shape have been tailored to guarantee a thorough homogenization of samples from diverse sources including bacteria, yeast, fungi, botanical samples, insects, mammalian tissues and cultured cells.

High performance FastPrep® purification kits used in conjunction with the FastPrep®-24 Instrument provide ready-to-use methods for the release and subsequent purification of intact DNA, RNA, and proteins from virtually any source.

FastDNA® Kits quickly and efficiently isolate genomic DNA with a silica-based GENECLEAN® procedure. Eluted DNA is ready for digestion, electrophoresis, PCR and any other desired application.

The single-reagent extraction method of the FastRNA® Pro Kits safely releases total RNA into the proprietary RNApro™ Solution where it is instantly stabilized. RNA in RNApro™ Solution is extracted with chloroform and precipitated with ethanol. The resulting high quality RNA is ready for downstream applications including RT-PCR and Northern analysis.

FastProteinTM Matrices offer the fastest way to release expressed proteins from the host organism and are perfect for analyzing protein expression conditions using gel analysis.

