Raw Materials Identification – Through the Packaging!

18 Sept 2010

There is no longer a need to open bags, sacks, drums and other containers of incoming raw materials to remove a sample for identity testing in the laboratory. The new and portable LabSpec® VIS-NIR spectroscopy systems enable fast and efficient measurements “through-the-bag” to confirm or otherwise the identity of incoming raw materials.

Each measurement and identity confirmation typically takes just one second. The LabSpec® is specifically designed for portability. The rugged and compact design enables completely independent battery operation, wireless connectivity, fibre-optic measuring probe and remote trigger device, making it ideal for use in a raw material goods inwards environment.

In a World where regulatory bodies and more stringent quality measures continuously demand more testing of raw materials, the new LabSpec® machines offer a simple, fast and convenient way to perform more raw materials testing. The inconvenience of breaking into packaging (possibly having already moved material into a dedicated sampling area), taking a sample, resealing the packaging, transporting sample to the laboratory, sample preparation, analysis and reporting, can often be reduced dramatically or completely removed.

LabSpec® VIS-NIR spectroscopy systems can work through the majority of typical packaging materials because they use a High Intensity Contact Probe with built-in light source and a unique post dispersive optical system.

Four basic models of LabSpec® are currently available depending on resolution requirements and requirement for a built in light source. Each LabSpec® model can be specified with up to three spectrometers installed depending on wavelength range required. Typically a High Intensity Contact Probe is used for through-the-bag measurements, however an almost limitless range of fibre-optic measurement probes can also be used.

