Read, Wash, Dispense & Automate with BioTek Instruments at LabAutomation 2010

20 Jan 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

BioTek's READ, WASH, DISPENSE & AUTOMATE theme exemplifies the full line of microplate technology solutions that will be demonstrated at booth 151, as well as a variety of informative presentations throughout the conference. The new EL406™ 1536-well washer, the latest advancement in microplate washing, will also feature.

As BioTek’s next generation washer platform, the EL406 features two dispense manifolds, driven by separate microprocessor controlled syringe pumps, used individually or in parallel for maximum 1536-well throughput. Angled tube designs guarantee thorough yet gentle washing, even for loosely adherent cell monolayers. An available peristaltic pump dispenser module can be added as an alternative washing tool or dedicated reagent dispenser. The EL406 will be featured at the fourth annual “Late Night with LRIG: Rapid-Fire Innovation Session”, to be held January 25, 2010 at the Wyndham Hotel Palm Springs, Mojave Learning Center.

Also at the booth will be BioTek’s new patent-pending Synergy™ H4 Hybrid Microplate Reader, which combines sensitive filter- and flexible monochromator-based optics in one high-performance unit. This unique hybrid of both technologies provides for endless flexibility in current and future microplate-based assay choice and also covers the entire range of microplate-based fluorescence, absorbance and luminescence assays.

BioTek’s workshops at LabAutomation 2010 include:
• Automated Workflows for Luminex xMAP Assays – Use of BioTek microplate washers including the EL406, ELx405 and ELx50 for automation of Luminex xMAP assays using either polystyrene or magnetic beads. This workshop will be held Tuesday, January 26 from 12:30 - 2:00 pm in the Palm Springs Convention Center, Smoketree AB. Register at and attend this workshop for your chance to win an Amazon Kindle!
• Cell Culture Simplified: The BioLevitator and 3D CellHOST (sponsored by Hamilton and Global Cell Solutions) – This workshop will focus on Hamilton’s BioLevitator product for 3D cell culture and Global Cell Solutions 3D matrix called GEM. BioTek will demonstrate the ability to perform automated assays with cells on GEM using BioTek’s MicroFlo Select dispenser, Precision pipetting system and Synergy 4 hybrid microplate reader. This workshop will be held Monday, January 25 from 12:30 – 2:00 pm in the Palm Springs Convention Center, Smoketree DE.

BioTek’s technical poster presentations at LabAutomation 2010 include:
• Automated Processing of a Homogeneous Phospho-ERK1/2 Assay for Use as a Universal GPCR Sensor
• Automated Cell Dispensing into 1536-Well Microplates for HTS Screening
• Automated Cytotoxicity Profiling of Small Molecule Compounds
• Automation of a Microplate Cell-based Assay to Measure Activity of the Histamine H1 G Protein-Coupled Receptor using a Novel 3-D Cell Culture Technique
• Utility of Hybrid Multi-Mode Readers using both Filter- and Monochromator-based Detection Capabilities as demonstrated with Fluorescence Polarization, Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Fluorescence Intensity Assays for the Measurement of ADP Accumulation
• Automation of a Multiplexed Cell-based Assay to measure simultaneously Inhibition and Induction of the Cytochrome P450 Isoform 3A4 by Small Molecule Compounds
• A Novel Homogeneous, Fluorescence-based Technology for Dual measure of Phosphodiesterases and their Downstream Effector Kinase Activities in Biochemical and Cell-based Assays
• Automated Washing of Magnetic Bead xMAP Assays for Multiplexed mRNA and Metabolic Hormone Assays
• Versatile, Cost-effective Automation of Avian Flu and Mycoplasma Gallisepticum-Synoviae ELISAs

Additional innovative microplate instruments presented at BioTek’s booth (#151) include:
• READ: the New Synergy™ H4 Hybrid Microplate Reader, Synergy HT Multi-Mode Microplate Reader, PowerWave™ Microplate Spectrophotometer and Take3™ Multi-Volume Plate
• WASH: New EL406™ 1536-well Microplate Washer, ELx405™ Microplate Washer and ELx50™ Microplate Strip Washer, all with magnetic bead washing
• DISPENSE: MicroFlo™ Select Dispenser, MicroFill™ Microplate Dispenser and EL406™ combination Microplate Washer Dispenser
• AUTOMATE: Precision™ Automated Microplate Pipetting System and BioStack™ Microplate Stacker

