Real-Time ‘Multiplex Quantification’ Molecular Diagnostic Testing Technology Developed

30 May 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Seegene Inc., a leading developer of multiplex molecular diagnostic technologies and tests, has announced the development of a new molecular technology that allows real-time multiplex quantification. The technology allows high multiplexing and multiple quantification, from a single sample, in a single tube.

Seegene's real-time multiplex PCR technology allows the simultaneous detection and quantification of up to 20 analytes on an existing 4-channel real-time instrument. This technology can provide life science companies with a competitive edge in a wide range of molecular testing applications and industry sectors. Seegene intends to make the technology broadly available to the life science market on a co-development or out-license basis.

"This represents a new class of molecular diagnostics (MoDx) technology that for the first time delivers highly multiplexed quantitative tests that can be run on potentially any real-time instrument. Using this new technology as their core MoDx technology, a wide variety of life science firms can develop comprehensive multiplexed diagnostic tests that can both detect and quantify all possible analytes in a single tube," said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, founder, CTO and CEO of Seegene.

"By enabling the quantification of multiple targets, the technology opens vast new and previously unimagined possibilities for new molecular tests. Opening this technology to a wide spectrum of companies operating in diverse markets is a game changer in molecular testing, and will promote a paradigm shift to well-conceived, intuitive tests that can be utilized in a preemptive or proactive manner," added Dr. Chun.

Seegene will introduce the first assay based on the technology at the 2012 AACC Annual Meeting (July 15-19, Los Angeles): A highly multiplexed assay that will detect, differentiate and quantitate 19 high risk and 9 low risk Human Papilloma Virus genotypes.

