Realizing the vision: Alexander Makarov's groundbreaking influence on mass spectrometry

20 Jun 2023
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

Alexander Makarov, the Director of Global Research for Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry at Thermo Fisher Scientific, is a highly distinguished physicist and inventor. Throughout his career, Makarov has consistently pushed the boundaries of scientific knowledge and made groundbreaking contributions.

Leading an exceptional team of scientists, he played a pivotal role in the development of the revolutionary Orbitrap technology. Their outstanding achievement gained widespread recognition, earning them the prestigious American Society for Mass Spectrometry Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry Award in 2008.

In November 2013, Makarov was appointed as Professor by special appointment of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry at the Department of Chemistry, and the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research of Utrecht University. Since 2016, he has held the esteemed position of Director of Global Research for Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry at Thermo Fisher Scientific, further cementing his leadership in the field.

Before embarking on his career, Makarov pursued studies in Molecular Physics and Mathematics at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. Later, he relocated to the UK. While in the UK, Makarov began working for a small company called HD Technologies, where he initially started to work on the concept of the Orbitrap. Recognizing the immense potential of the Orbitrap technology, Thermo Fisher Scientific acquired HD Technologies in 2000. The acquisition enabled Makarov's team to expand and further develop the technology. The Orbitrap brought about a breakthrough by significantly reducing the size of high-performance mass spectrometers. This breakthrough not only granted more scientists access to advanced instrumentation, but also facilitated extensive research, revolutionizing fields such as cell biology and translational research.

The Orbitrap, known for its exceptional capabilities, remains one of the most potent mass spectrometers to date, with expectations of increased versatility through upcoming technological advancements. For those unfamiliar with this technology, the Orbitrap is a highly utilized mass spectrometer in analytical chemistry, specifically designed for measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of ions within a sample. This instrument effectively traps ions in a circular orbit by employing a combination of electric and magnetic fields. By measuring the oscillation frequency of these confined ions, valuable data is obtained for accurately determining their mass-to-charge ratio. This critical information is then used to identify and analyze the composition of the sample being investigated, enabling comprehensive analysis in various scientific applications.

Kerry Parker, CEO of SelectScience®, had an insightful conversation with Makarov, delving into his remarkable career, personal motivations, and the transformative impact his technology has had on the field of mass spectrometry. You can now tune in to this latest episode of our podcast series, ‘The Accelerating Science Podcast by SelectScience’, to gain deeper insights. Listen to this episode, to explore the technical hurdles Makarov encountered, his ongoing projects and plans, as well as gain a glimpse into what lies ahead for the field of mass spectrometry through the lens of this eminent physicist and inventor.

Listen to the podcast: The path to invention: How Alexander Makarov continues to revolutionize mass spectrometry and Orbitrap

