Redesigned Synthetic Systems Conference For Enhancing Protein Production

21 Oct 2013
Grace Poole
Engineer / Validation

There has been tremendous interest from delegates, poster presenters and exhibitors, following the announcement by ELRIG (the European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group) who will be hosting a unique, 2 day conference entitled ‘Advances in Recombinant Protein Technologies – towards redesigned synthetic systems’. The seminar is free and will be held at Astra Zeneca R&D’s Alderly Park Site on 19th and 20th November with a strict limit of 220 attendees.

A collaboration between Manchester University, Astra Zeneca R&D and ELRIG, the two day conference will focus on a range of highly significant topics including; the biology of host cells in terms of competencies for protein expression, structural features associated with success of expression of specific proteins, plus the relationships between specific proteins and host cells. It will also include how both host cell and desired proteins may be engineered to generate new synthetic systems for enhanced product expression.

The conference brings together leading speakers and delegates from academia and industry working on eukaryotic cells as protein expression hosts. It will address our fundamental understanding about molecular events which determine productivity and quality attributes in the use of specific cell hosts for specific protein product categories.

As well as a full line up of speakers, the conference also includes a poster session and full exhibition where delegates will be able to interact with vendors and scientists in an informal setting.

