Reduce Laboratory Costs Without Compromising on Quality or Performance

27 Sept 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Randox is a world leading provider of multi-analyte, third party controls designed to streamline Quality Control in even the most demanding laboratories. Following the success of our Immunoassay Premium Plus control, and a multitude of requests from our customers, we launched our Liquid Immunoassay Premium Plus control in late 2014.

With more than 50 analytes present at clinically relevant levels, including routine tumour & cardiac markers, therapeutic drugs and vitamin D, the Acusera Liquid Immunoassay Premium Plus control was designed with consolidation in mind. As such, our revolutionary Liquid Immunoassay Premium Plus control will ultimately reduce costs within your laboratory without compromising on quality or performance. Furthermore, the liquid format of the control requires minimal preparation, reducing the risk of pipetting errors and saving valuable laboratory time.

Our high quality material has been manufactured from human serum obtained from the UK Blood Transfusion Service. Each donor is screened for infectious diseases using immunoassay techniques and specific DNA tests to detect any antibodies or viruses that may be present, even at early stages of infection. Our view to end user safety and quality is the crux of all Randox control manufacturing, ensuring our quality controls have a similar matrix to a patient sample. With no animal additives present in our Immunoassay controls you can be assured that our Liquid Immunoassay Premium Plus control will behave in the same manner as a patient sample, as recommended by ISO 15189:2012.

An important consideration when choosing the right quality control for you is the shelf-life of the product. Our Liquid Immunoassay Premium Plus control is stable until expiry and assigned reliable open vial stability claims, giving you a definitive time frame in which your results would be accurate and therefore reduce waste. At Randox we pride ourselves in not misleading customers with false stability claims for our analytes. Due to the excellent shelf life of our quality controls the same batch can be used for longer, meaning the risk of lot to lot variation is greatly reduced.

Complementing our Acusera range of true third party controls we also have our Acusera 24.7 Interlaboratory Data Management software. Acusera 24.7 is an effective IQC and peer group reporting program, which will enable you to improve you laboratory’s analytical performance, meet regulatory requirements and ensure accurate test results. By employing our software and controls in your laboratory you can benefit from our full IQC package.

