Reduced risk of contamination, plus 24% additional space

7 May 2006

BINDER presents the new inner chamber for the CB Series and proves once again that even the best can still be improved!

Absolute sterility is of critical importance in medical laboratories, and BINDER GmbH has always excelled in meeting this challenge. Now the Tuttlingen-based company will go even one step further by presenting the CB Series at ACHEMA 2006 with a totally redesigned inner chamber. The novel sliding rack system of the CB 150 requires less cleaning and also increases the available effective volume by an impressive 24 %, while retaining identical outside dimensions and the same footprint.

The previous interior fittings, which required time-consuming cleaning, have now been replaced with smooth integrated shelf supports as part of the inner chamber. These shelf supports are formed as part of the inner chamber wall in the deep-draw process during manufacture. This new feature reduces the potential surface for contamination by 27% and also creates additional space for cell culture flasks on wider shelves. This is a major benefit for the CB Series, in addition to its already familiar features.

Hot air sterilization at 180 ºC [356 ºF] ensures maximum sterile conditions, while the Permadry®- System keeps inner walls free of moisture. To minimize the risk of contamination, BINDER’s advanced design presents a highly space-efficient inner chamber with optimum functionality. This means that there are no fans or HEPA filters inside the chamber. Cleaning the rounded edges and corners as well as the absolutely smooth inner surface is easy – yet another contribution to safety.

