Registration Now Open for Advances in Recombinant Protein Technologies Meeting at Astra Zeneca, Alderly Park, 19th & 20th November

29 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

ELRIG (the European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group) are pleased to announce that registration is now open for its Advances in Recombinant Protein Technologies which this year will focus on redesigned synthetic systems. The 2 day symposium will be held at the Astra Zeneca’s Alderley Park Site in Macclesfield on 19th and 20th November.

The symposium’s plenary speakers include world leading experts including Andreas Plückhtun, Claes Gustafsson, Nicolas Mermod, Pedro Mendes and Randy Kaufman.

Dr Kaufman will be discussing his groundbreaking findings in the area of cell death which have recently been published in Nature Cell Biology. His research reveals specific factors which increase the level of protein synthesis leading to oxidative stress and cell death. His findings suggest that limiting protein synthesis will be therapeutic for diseases caused by protein misfolding in the endoplasmic reticulum.

Dr Sanj Kumar, the newly elected Chairman of ELRIG commented ‘ ELRIG is delighted to present this cutting edge symposium showcasing the latest research and technical innovations in protein technologies. This free networking event will enable scientists and vendors to interact in order to share information and experience.’

‘The symposium also includes an exhibition by instrumentation and service providers who will showcase the latest tools and technologies delivering solutions for redesigned synthetic systems.’

To register to attend, please click on the company website link below.

