Reinnervate Ltd and Roslin Cellab to Partner to Develop 3D stem Cell Printing Products and Technologies

18 Sept 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Specialist 3D cell culture company Reinnervate Ltd today announced that it is entering into a collaboration with leading stem cell company Roslin Cellab to develop 3D stem cell printing products and services using Alvetex® technology.

The two companies will pool their expertise in the areas of 3D cell culture and stem cell biology to bring next generation stem cell products and services to the market. Reinnervate will contribute new Alvetex 3D cell culture variants and expertise while Roslin Cellab will harness its capabilities in the area of stem cell culture and cell printing.

“We are delighted to deepen our links with Reinnervate by working together in this area‟ commented Dr. Jason King, Business Development Manager at Roslin Cellab. „This work builds on our earlier collaboration on the 3D culture and differentiation of stem cells using Alvetex‟ he added.

Richard Rowling, Commercial Director of Reinnervate Ltd said, “We are very pleased that Roslin Cellab has once again picked Alvetex technology as one of the most appropriate and flexible solutions for 3D cell culture for this new venture. The simple workflow and flexibility of Alvetex products make them an excellent companion for 3D cell printing projects”.

