Reliable Particle Shape Analysis with the CAMSIZER

10 Aug 2009
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Marketing / Sales

The CAMSIZER® delivers convenient, reliable and fast particle analysis online, at-line or in the laboratory. It also analyses the particle size and shape of dry bulk materials in a size range from 30 µm to 30 mm. The measurement results are evaluated, displayed in real time and the average measurement time is less than 3 minutes.

In many industries, particle shape is of great importance for the production process. For quality assurance purposes it is sometimes vital to detect differences in the particle shape of different charges as it may have a huge influence on certain product characteristics, e.g. flow behaviour or abrasion, and can therefore help to draw conclusions on flaws in the production process. To determine the particle size and shape reliably and reproducibly, digital image analysis – such as is used in Retsch Technology’s CAMSIZER - is the method of choice.

With its unique, patented two-camera system it records up to 10,000 particles per second, with an unrivaled dynamic size range. It reliably detects defective or broken particles as well as differences in the particle shape, such as agglomerations.

The following shape parameters can be analysed:
• Elongation; Aspect- or Width-/Length-Ratio
• Convexity
• Roundness
• Symmetry

The measurement results are evaluated and displayed in real time, the average measurement time is less than 3 minutes. A highly interesting feature is the single frame analysis together with the automated image recording: The particle size and shape parameters of manually selected, individual particles can be displayed and compared. This allows to find reliable threshold values to distinguish good and bad particles automatically and reproducibly, thus ensuring a consistent product quality.

