Removal of Solvents from Oil and Fat Samples

26 Jan 2018
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Working with oils and fats can be difficult. Whether extracting and recovering additives, evaluating lipid content of foods or characterizing reclaimed cooking oils before reprocessing or conversion to biofuels, oils and fats can be difficult to dry.

Dxtraction and separation techniques, including accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), counter current chromatography and dialysis, all normally present samples dissolved in an organic solvent. These samples must be dried or concentrated before analysis. Removing all the solvent can often be difficult without using very high temperatures or other harsh operating protocols which may lead to loss of more volatile fractions from the oil or fat sample.

Working with researchers involved with oil and fat applications, Genevac has developed methodologies based on their EZ-2 and the Rocket Evaporators that significantly enhance recovery and results. When working with larger solvent volumes, additional productivity benefits can be gained when these evaporators are used with SampleGenie™ technology which enables large volumes to be concentrated or dried directly into a small vial.

Many oil and fat analyses require use of potentially explosive solvents, such as di-ethyl ether. These can be safely evaporated in Genevac evaporator systems fitted with the Inert Gas Purge option, which removes all the air from the system before use, replacing it with inert gas and thereby eliminating the risk of explosive incidents.

Click here now to learn more about the laboratory products Genevac have to offer.

