
Renal Function Profile from Randox

2 Feb 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Randox produce a range of tests to aid diagnosis of the numerous conditions that can develop into chronic kidney disease. Depending on the stage of the disease, Randox offer three sensitive, accurate and simple to use reagent kits- creatinine, microalbumin and total urinary protein.

Creatinine is the gold standard marker for renal failure. As the kidney begins to fail, creatinine which is normally excreted in urine is instead retained in the blood stream. Randox provide a choice of two tests for creatinine; the Jaffe method, a cost effective and easy to run test and an enzymatic method, a more specific test with no interference from bilirubin, ammonia, endogenous creatinine and commonly used drugs. The enzymatic method is also ideal for paediatric testing.

Creatinine levels will not be raised until approximately 60 percent of total kidney function is lost. Earlier indications of kidney damage are the appearance of minute amounts of the protein albumin in the urine. The Randox Microalbumin test can detect the first signs of kidney damage and thus provides a solution for renal function testing in patients at risk of developing kidney disease. The reagent kit has a 24 month stability, wide measuring range, minimal interference and excellent sensitivity and precision.

As kidney disease progresses, larger amounts of protein will leak into the urine. The Randox total urinary protein test is a precise, simple, ready to use reagent with a standard included in the kit. It is liquid stable for one year and is not affected by urine pH.

All tests are suitable for use on a wide range of analysers including the Randox RX series of analysers. The choice of options available from Randox ensures that all your renal function diagnostics needs are met.

