Restek Releases the First Standard to Contain all Major PAH Interferences
13 Jul 2015
The new polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) interferences standard from Restek is the first and only certified reference material formulated to contain all major PAH interferences for priority PAHs.
Analysts can use this mixture to quickly confirm the presence of common interferences by retention time comparisons. Since the PAH components are present in different concentrations, isomers can easily be distinguished by the difference in their response factors.
Several key PAHs of health concern–such as chrysene and benzo[b]fluoranthene–coelute with other PAHs on most GC columns, which biases results. To ensure accurate reporting, this standard can be paired with an Rxi®-PAH column and Restek’s EU 15+1 PAH standard to optimize method conditions and ensure separation of interferences and target PAHs.
As this new PAH interferences standard meets strict ISO quality requirements, it is also suitable for quantitative work as a calibration or fortification standard.