Revolutionary Intelligent Label Printer for GLP/HTA Applications

20 Dec 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Brady IP™ Series Printer System is a revolutionary new thermal transfer printing system that safeguards against illegible or impermanent labelling due to an incorrect combination of label material and ink. It will have real benefits in any multi-disciplinary laboratory or medical application that requires positive sample identification and traceability, and where a variety of procedures is in use.

Brady Corporation is a world leader in labelling technology, and a vast product range supports virtually any application. In the laboratory environment, labels may have to withstand extremes of temperature or be subject to chemical attack. The right choice of label and ink is vital if labels are to survive this harsh environment, and Brady can offer up to 72 different combinations to suit any situation. However, a combination that is perfect for, say, liquid nitrogen sample storage may not be suitable for use in procedures involving organic solvents, so the IP Series has been developed to ensure that the right combination of label and ink is used every time.

The system is pre-programmed with all the recommended combinations of label material and ink ribbon, and uses bi-directional smart cell technology to recognise that the right media have been installed. It then automatically optimises printing parameters to suit the media in use to ensure maximum clarity, permanence and printing efficiency. All that is then necessary is to press the “print” button to generate optimally printed labels for the specific application. Not only is reliable, permanent sample identification assured, but the time taken to change label types between different applications is about one third of that for a conventional printer.

