
RheoSense Announces New Viscometer for Fast, Accurate Viscosity Measurements

7 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

RheoSense, Inc. announces the release of µVISC (micro VISC), the newest viscometer utilizing VROC® technology. This affordable instrument provides a very high level of accuracy and repeatability in viscosity measurement.

The µVISC is fast, easy to use, and can satisfy industry’s growing demand for an increasingly efficient quality control protocol. The measurement process consists of just 3 simple steps:

1. Load your sample into a disposable pipette
2. Mount the pipette
3. Run the test

Measurement results, including data necessary for advanced analysis, are displayed in less than a minute for most samples. Features of the µVISC include:

• viscosity (in mPa-s or cP), shear rate, and sample temperature measurement
• only 100 µL needed per measurement
• no evaporation
• accuracy exceeds 1% of Full Scale or 2% of reading
• repeatability within 1%
• measurements take as little as a minute
• a wide range of viscosities is measurable (0.2 cP ~ 5,000 cP) with hot-swappable sensor cartridges
• lightweight (only 1.5 lbs) and portable (powered by a rechargeable Li-ion battery)
• cleaning is unnecessary when continuously testing analogous or miscible samples.
• up to 20 tests logged, each with a user-definable sample ID
• multiple operational modes to assist any user, whether beginner or advanced
• automated cleaning mode

The µVISC provides fast, accurate viscosity measurement in a small, elegant package. Its user-friendly interface as well as its singular technology gives you quality results quickly, allowing you to fully meet your quality control goals.

VROC (Viscometer-Rheometer-On-a-Chip) is the only MEMS microfluidic chip-based viscometry technology in the world. The operating principle of this technology is well-known for its simplicity and accuracy in the field of rheology, and is described in most rheology textbooks. Some ISO test methods also adopt this principle.

