Rigaku Analytical Devices Announces Narcotics-Focused Handheld Raman Analyzer

New Progeny ResQ FLX analyzer integrates latest drug identification technology to keep law enforcement safe while battling opioid epidemic

3 Apr 2018
Han Yin
Administrator / Office Personnel

Rigaku Analytical Devices, a leading pioneer of handheld and portable spectroscopic analyzers, announces the release of the Rigaku Progeny ResQ FLX, handheld Raman analyzer, specifically designed for narcotics identification. Based off the award-winning Progeny ResQ 1064nm Raman analyzer released in 2015, the Progeny ResQ FLX analyzer provides law enforcement agencies with greater flexibility for use in the widespread opioid epidemic and increase in drug trafficking.

The rapid response time of less than one minute, ease of use, and the ability to scan through glass and plastic, means the Progeny ResQ FLX analyzer keeps law enforcement safe without exposure to potentially dangerous drugs, such as fentanyl. With a standard library of over 1,000 narcotics and cutting agents, the Progeny ResQ FLX analyzer offers the analytical capabilities of 1064nm Raman – minimizing sample-induced fluorescence of dirty or colored materials or colored packaging– as well as features important to law enforcement, such as:

  • On-board digital camera to add pictorial evidence to results
  • Smartphone pairing to rapidly transfer results
  • Tamper-proof reports with digital signatures (21 CFR Part 11 compliant)
  • Accepted as a Class A analytical technique by the Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG)
  • Free library updates

In addition, users have the ability to select additional libraries, features, and support packages that fit their needs and budget, such as:

  • Additional libraries (TICS, explosives, chemical warfare agents)
  • Custom applications
  • Additional warranty and Reachback support
  • 4C Technology mode to warn of threat combinations

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