Rigaku Analytical Devices Participates in Podcast; Now Available for Download on Demand

Rigaku Progeny ResQ handheld Raman analyzer is featured in a podcast hosted by ‘The Hazmat Guys’

30 May 2017
Weylan Kiam-Laine

Rigaku Corporation is pleased to announce that Rigaku Analytical Devices, a leading provider of innovative handheld spectrometers, recently participated in a podcast hosted by industry trainers ‘The Hazmat Guys’ and is now available for download on demand. The podcast, titled “The 1064nm Raman Advantage by Rigaku” features a discussion with Nancy Otto, North America Sales Manager, about the benefits of using the Progeny™ ResQ™ analyzer for handheld chemical identification.

The Progeny ResQ 1064nm handheld Raman analyzer provides emergency responders, law enforcement agencies, and the military with the industry’s most comprehensive tool for chemical identification, CBRNe detection, and narcotics classification in a fast and simple handheld form. The Progeny ResQ analyzer can measure colored solids, liquids, and powders, as well as substances through containers, overcoming issues of fluorescence interference that affects traditional handheld Raman.

Unique features of the Progeny ResQ instrument that were also discussed include:

  • 4C™ Technology – automatically monitors individual results to warn the user of a potential dangerous combination of precursors
  • Integrated 5 MP Camera – captures a sample image to store with results
  • Ergonomics – allows for one hand operation by either touch screen and or using the large, hard-edged button control
  • Library – includes the latest narcotic formulations, explosives, precursors, chemical warfare agents (CWAs), toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and toxic industrial materials (TIMs), as well as common chemicals. Updates are available for the life of the analyzer, at no additional charge.
  • Reachback support – available 24/7

To find out more about the capabilities of the Progeny ResQ handheld Raman analyzer, please visit Rigaku Analytical Devices at the IAFC Hazmat Response Teams Conference, being held June 15-18, 2017 in Baltimore, MD, in booth #313 or visit www.Rigaku.com/ResQ.

