Rigaku Analytical Devices Presents Informative Field Spectroscopy talks at Pittcon 2018

Information sessions at Pittcon highlight handheld and portable spectroscopic analysis applications

25 Feb 2018
Lui Terry
Administrator / Office Personnel

Rigaku Corporation has announced that Rigaku Analytical Devices (RAD), a leading provider of innovative handheld spectrometers, will be exhibiting its latest analyzers at the 2018 Pittsburgh Conference & Exposition (Pittcon) at booth #2002. The event is taking place at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, from Feburay 26 through Mar 1, 2018.

In addition to exhibiting at the conference expo, representatives from RAD will be hosting two informative talks during the conference.

  • Breakthrough Applications for Handheld LIBS” and will be presened by David Mercuro, Product Manager at RAD, during the “Field Spectroscopic Applications: Point of Care, Safety & Security and Environmental Scenarios” session on Monday, February 26 from1:30pm – 4:25pm in room 208C.
  • Chemometrics – Not ChemoMagic” will be presened by Dr. Suzanne Schreyer, Senior Applications Scientist, during the “Food, Photonics and Field Spectroscopy” session on Thursday, March 1 from 1:50-2:10pm in room 208A.

