Rigaku Introduces Cartesian Geometry EDXRF at ACS Fall 2009

23 Aug 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Rigaku today introduced a new benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, the Rigaku NEX CG, at the Fall 2009 American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting in Washington, D.C. The NEX CG spectrometer delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types with minimal standards.

The new Rigaku NEX CG can non-destructively analyze elements from 11Na to 92U in solids, liquids, powders and thin films. Employing polarized excitation for lower detection limits and unique software for reduced standards' requirements, the instrument provides part-per-billion (ppb) level detection limits for aqueous samples when used with the patented UltraCarry® sample holder. A simplified user interface, EZ Analysis, allows for routine operation by non-technical personnel.

Unlike conventional EDXRF analyzers, the Rigaku NEX CG was engineered with a unique close-coupled Cartesian Geometry (CG) optical kernel that dramatically increases signal-to-noise. By using secondary target excitation, instead of convention direct excitation, sensitivity is further improved. The resulting dramatic reduction in background noise, and simultaneous increase in element peaks, result in a spectrometer capable of routine trace element analysis even in difficult sample types.

NEX CG is powered by a new qualitative and quantitative analytical software, RPF-SQX, that features Rigaku Profile Fitting (RPF) technology. The software allows semi-quantitative analysis of almost all sample types without standards - and rigorous quantitative analysis with standards. Especially well suited to the semi-quantitative determination of elemental content in complete unknowns, the superior analytical power, flexibility and ease-of-use of the NEX CG add to its broad appeal for research, industrial and in-plant monitoring applications.

