Rigaku Oxford Diffraction presents latest x-ray analytical technology at 2019 European Crystallography Meeting

21 Aug 2019
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

Rigaku Corporation, a global leader in analytical x-ray technology, is proud to be a “Schiele Sponsor” of the 32nd European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM32), where Rigaku Oxford Diffraction (ROD) is presenting its diverse lines of X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrumentation, including the latest single crystal and powder crystallography systems.

The five-day conference, taking place Sunday, August 18 to Friday, August 23, 2019 at the University of Vienna, includes workshops, user meetings and a social program, providing opportunities for crystallographers to meet and present the latest scientific developments, exchange ideas, and forge new collaborations.

Recently, Rigaku and Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) announced their collaboration on new technologies for exploiting the crystalline sponge method. The crystalline sponge method first introduced by Fujita et al in 2013 ["The crystalline sponge method updated" IUCrJ 3, no. 2 (2016): 139-151 DOI: 10.1107/S2052252515024379] enables the use of x-ray crystal structure determination on new targets including liquids, gases, low availability compounds or those that are simply difficult to crystallize.

At this years’ ECM, Rigaku is showcasing its high performance diffractometers and detectors which enable the crystalline sponge method to be performed successfully. For successful application, it is essential to record the most accurate data to ensure the - often very subtle - changes to the diffracted intensities. With high-flux sources and ultra-sensitive detectors able to count x-ray photons across the whole range, the Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy line of diffractometers ensures the highest data quality possible, allowing subtle features to be distinguished, as the crystalline sponge method demands.

Featured systems at the event include the Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-DW system, a versatile high-flux diffractometer with a HyPix-Arc 150°curved hybrid photon counting (HPC) x-ray detector, offering two wavelengths in one compact system for 3D chemical structure analysis. The system is configured with a fast and efficient four-circle kappa goniometer that is compatible with a wide range of detectors.

Combining the increased flux of a rotating anode source with the flexibility of two different wavelengths, the system is uniquely suited to laboratories exploring a wide range of research interests.

More Information about x-ray-based solutions from Rigaku is available at Booth # D09, or at www.rigaku-oxford.com.

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