Rigaku Presents Latest XRM and CT Technology at 14th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy

Rigaku to showcase its latest analytical instrumentation at XRM2018.

19 Aug 2018
Rafael Tosado
Administrator / Office Personnel

X-ray analytical instrument manufacturer Rigaku Corporation is pleased to announce its attendance at the 14th International Conference on Xray Microscopy (XRM2018), being held August 19-24, 2018 at the University of Saskatchewan.

The International Conference on X-ray Microscopy is the principal conference of its community and will bring together experts in the development and use of X-ray microscopes. The conference will address the most recent advances in X-ray microscopy technology and applications through a program of talks, posters, and social interaction. X-ray microscopy (XRM) and computed tomography (CT) equipment from Rigaku enable nondestructive analysis of large samples at high resolution. Rigaku, a global leader in X-ray analytical technology, is representing its current XRM and CT solutions at booth 12.

X-ray microscopy is suited to a range of materials, from low-density substances such as biological samples to high-density materials such as ceramics and steels. The Rigaku nano3DX X-ray microscope images an entire sample from multiple angles. In doing so, it can reconstruct a 3D image at 0.27 µm resolution. The computer model allows the user to view sections at any point on any plane, providing valuable insights into the structure of the sample. Applications for the nano3DX are many and varied, from materials science to electronics and semiconductors to mining and minerals exploration to life sciences and pharmaceuticals.

Also available is the Rigaku CT Lab GX industrial 3D X-ray micro computed tomography (CT) imager, an ultra-high-speed, high-resolution 3D CT suited for measurements of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, bones, ores, electronic devices, batteries, aluminum castings, and printed circuit boards.

Computed tomography reveals, at high-speed, the highresolution, three dimensional structure of an object by means of computer-processed combinations of numerous X-ray images taken from different angles. The CT Lab GX series offers the latest 3D CT technology enabling measurement of industrial products in a short period of time.

A principal feature of the CT Lab GX is its capacity for ultra-high-speed measurement. In 3D mode, a CT scan can be achieved in 8 seconds and image reconstruction in 15 seconds. High-definition 3D observation is possible with a minimum resolution of 4.5μm and maximum number of pixels of 8000×8000 - the largest available compared to other products in the same class.

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