Rigaku to Offer the TTP LabTech mosquito® Nanoliter Pipetting System for Automated Protein Crystallization

8 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Rigaku Americas Corporation is pleased to announce that the company has entered into an agreement with TTP LabTech (Royston, UK) to offer the mosquito® nanolitre pipetting system as part of the Rigaku CrystalMation™ platform for automated protein crystallization experiments. As used by the pharmaceutical industry for rational drug design, the mosquito® technology will be implemented on a custom basis for customers doing high throughput research on membrane proteins as well as RNA and DNA research.

TTP LabTech's mosquito® is widely used for automated crystallography throughout the world. The mosquito® has disposable, positive displacement pipettes, which ensure zero cross contamination and the instrument can accurately aspirate and dispense a wide range of liquid types and viscosities. Mosquito®'s precise linear drives and optical sensors achieve positional accuracy better than 0.05mm in the X, Y and Z axes. This, along with the tightly toleranced and relatively short pipette tips, allows drops to be placed with a high degree of accuracy in the center of sub-wells in crystallography-specific microplates or on to hanging drop membranes.

Specifically engineered to meet demanding objectives, the Rigaku CrystalMation system consists of banks of the Rigaku Minstrel™ HT imaging instruments, each coupled to up to two Rigaku Gallery™ 700 incubators. These incubators, operating at either ambient temperature or down to 4?C, are integrated by a central Rigaku Integration Module™. Complete liquid handling, for both screen makeup and protein dispense, are automated using the respective Rigaku Alchemist II, Phoenix RE and TTP LabTech mosquito® modules in conjunction with robotic plate sealer stations. CrystalTrak, an Oracle™ based database application, forms the software backbone for designing, capturing, and analyzing crystallization experiments.

