RIQAS Achieves ISO/IEC 17403 Accreditation

23 Mar 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

RIQAS (Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme) is the largest global EQA (proficiency testing) scheme used internationally in over 100 countries by more than 20,000 participants. The scheme has announced that it has achieved accreditation in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043:2010, "Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Proficiency Testing".

The announcement means that all clinical laboratories that seek accreditation to ISO 15189 can now be certain that RIQAS will meet their External Quality Assessment (EQA) requirements.

There are currently 24 comprehensive EQA programmes available. Each programme contains a combination of routine and specialized parameters enabling increased opportunity for consolidation and significant cost savings. Flexible reporting and parameter options are also available to suit the needs of all laboratory sizes and budgets.

Principle programmes include blood gas, clinical chemistry, coagulation, cardiac, glycated haemoglobin, haematology, human urine, immunoassay, immunoassay speciality I, immunoassay speciality II, lipids, maternal screening, serology (HIV-Hepatitis), serology (ToRCH), serology (EBV), serology (syphilis), specific proteins, therapeutic drugs, urinalysis and urine toxicology.

ISO/IEC 17043:2010 aims to establish internationally harmonized regulations and outlines general requirements that EQA providers must comply with. The standard enables scheme participants and laboratory accreditation bodies to have increased confidence in several areas including EQA scheme design and implementation; sample quality, manufacture, storage and transport; and participant confidentiality.

