RNeasy® FFPE Kit — high yields of usable RNA from FFPE tissue!

24 Jan 2006

The RNeasy FFPE Kit is specially designed to purify total RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections.

Special lysis and incubation conditions reverse formalin crosslinking, which would otherwise block downstream applications. The purified RNA delivers maximal performance in applications such as real-time RT-PCR.

The specially developed lysis buffer efficiently releases RNA from FFPE samples while avoiding further RNA degradation. Optimized binding conditions allow purification of all usable RNA down to 70 nucleotides. RNA yields are greater than those achieved using other methods.

The entire RNeasy FFPE procedure can be completed in as little as 70 minutes. After sample lysis and incubation, genomic DNA is rapidly removed using gDNA Eliminator spin columns and concentrated RNA is purified using RNeasy MinElute® spin columns.

Centrifugation of lysates through unique gDNA Eliminator spin columns removes genomic DNA in one short step. There is no need for DNase digestion. The subsequently purified RNA is virtually free of genomic DNA contamination and is highly suited for sensitive applications, such as real-time RT-PCR.

