Roche launches new high throughput configurations for cobas pro integrated solutions to increase testing efficiency
This feature will allow a greater number of patient samples to be processed faster
30 Mar 2021
Roche has announced the launch of eight new configurations for cobas pro integrated solutions, in countries accepting the CE mark.
As a result, this analyzer can deliver up to 4,400 tests per hour, doubling its previous testing capacity. This makes it the ideal choice for labs seeking greater flexibility in ramping up their testing capacity, to adapt to evolving clinical chemistry and immunochemistry testing needs.
Today, the importance of accurate and timely diagnostic testing can be felt across the globe. Growing testing demands put laboratories under significant pressure to increase their testing volumes and operational efficiency, with fewer resources. At the same time, clinicians and patients rely on accurate and timely results to make informed decisions. To overcome these challenges, labs require reliable diagnostic solutions that ensure simplified testing, allowing for earlier diagnosis and improved patient care.
“We are excited to release eight new high throughput configurations for cobas pro integrated solutions which have been designed to address the individual needs of healthcare professionals to maximize throughput and efficiency,” said Thomas Schinecker, CEO Roche Diagnostics. “By building on a system with proven reliability and performance, we continue to simplify laboratory operations so that patients can benefit from shorter time to results and faster treatment decisions.”
cobas pro integrated solutions now offers the possibility to add two additional analytical units of cobas c 503 and/or cobas e 801, consolidating up to four analytical units on a single platform and thus serving the needs of high throughput labs. Labs can now benefit from eight new configurations, allowing them to better tailor their instrumentation to their individual needs. As a result, cobas pro integrated solutions can deliver up to 4,400 tests per hour, doubling its previous testing capacity. Running more tests across a broad range of disease areas including cardiology, oncology and infectious diseases, enables labs to further extend their value for physicians and patients. Furthermore, by consolidating a greater number of samples on a single platform and offering the industry’s broadest clinical chemistry and immunochemistry assay menu of over 230 diagnostic tests, this analyzer helps to simplify sample processing and laboratory workflows.
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