Roquette Deploys a Competitive Intelligence Portal Based on TEMIS Text Analytics Solution

22 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

TEMIS, The leading provider of Text mining and Text Analytics solutions, and Roquette, the world’s leading producer of polyols and one of the largest producers of starch derivatives, announced today that they have entered a major software licence and services agreement. Roquette chose to implement a cutting-edge and comprehensive Competitive Intelligence platform across its worldwide sites, based upon the Luxidâ Information Intelligence solution.

With production facilities based in Europe, United States and Asia, Roquette group markets its products in more than 100 countries. With a workforce of almost 6000 people, revenue has approached close to 2 billion Euros. In order to strengthen its position as an industry leader, Roquette group has to understand technology, process and market trends, as well as anticipate competitors’ strategies.

Carefully considering environmental issues, Roquette has always bet on renewable raw materials. Roquette’s industrial strategy relies heavily on Research and Development to regularly deliver new and innovative products and meet a demanding product launch schedule.

Roquette’s requirements were to instantaneously combine and analyze multiple types of information in order to generate a dynamic and collaborative Competitive Intelligence work flow process thus accelerating their innovative dominance. Senior Management decided to build its own Competitive Intelligence portal based upon Luxid®, the best solution on the market for strategic information discovery and analysis. Luxid uses two standard application modules to automatically identify entities as well as relevant relationships contained in multilingual documents from heterogeneous sources:

  • Text Mining 360° Skill Cartridge™ extracts entities like names of people, companies, organizations, products and locations as well as all numerical data.
  • Competitive Intelligence Life Science Edition Skill Cartridge™ identifies financial, business and stock information as well as any information dealing with participation, mergers, acquisition, joint-venture, research strategies or innovations.

Luxid allows Roquette to explore and analyze information through a wide range of advanced features like cross-analyses, dynamic information network mapping and clustering, “real-time” dashboards and automated user-defined scenarios analyses. TEMIS’ exclusive “Knowledge Browser” turns any document set into a navigable knowledge graph, displaying extracted entities and semantic relationships. This information modelling capability allows analysts to detect subtle relationships between concepts and entities which could easily be overlooked or remain undiscovered if they were utilizing a traditional ‘key-word’ search technology for their Competitive Intelligence strategic decision making process.

With this new process, anyone in Roquette can contribute to maximizing corporate performance, innovation and competitiveness.

"Luxid is a powerful tool enabling Roquette to structure information in accordance with many types of industry watch (competitive; technology; economic and financial; scientific and regulatory), by combining extracted information with research strategies (competitors, technologies and processes, suppliers)”, explains Jean-Claude Lumaret, Competitive Intelligence Division Manager of Roquette. “With Luxid, analysts from our various departments can collaborate and fully exploit all information to automatically feed the decision-making process.”

“At TEMIS, we are proud to count a world’s industry leader like Roquette among our customer’s portfolio”, said Guillaume Mazières, VP Sales & Marketing of TEMIS. “This successful project was supported by Roquette management team’s insight and emulation. They used Luxid’s deployment opportunity to involve the whole group in the Competitive Intelligence process. We are now engaged in a long-term approach with Roquette to keep on mining knowledge which is the key to success on worldwide markets.”

