SAFC Announces Launch of Raw Materials and Custom Services Developed Specifically for Point-of-Care Diagnostics Manufacture

15 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

SAFC®, a member of the Sigma-Aldrich® Group (NASDAQ: SIAL), today announced the launch of a diverse product offer designed to meet the demands of the burgeoning Point-of-Care (POC) testing diagnostics market. The offer provides a wide range of raw materials and custom manufacturing services for producers of both self test, or Over-the-Counter (OTC), diagnostic kits as well as professional POC diagnostics.

With manufacturing capabilities recently expanded in Europe through its Buchs, Switzerland facility ISO 13485 certification, SAFC’s new offer is targeted at alleviating industry concerns over security of supply in both the growing diabetes care and the professional POC markets. SAFC offers an entire spectrum of critical raw materials for use not only in glucose monitoring devices, but also for continuous monitoring diabetes care, HbA1C assays, urinary protein assays and creatinine assays.

SAFC’s expanded offer builds on its leading position in providing raw material to the diagnostics market and includes cell culture products, enzymes, buffers, detergents, carbohydrates and high specialty products, such as the ProClin® biocides.

“Through meeting both the OTC and professional POC customer requirements in terms of breadth of product, quality systems and supply chain management, we aim to ensure security of supply for the POC analyte market,” commented SAFC Diagnostics Segment Manager George Crowell. “We envisage that our global contract manufacturing base, our customization capabilities combined with our unique approach to creating customer tailored solution will prove to be key differentiators as we look to become the leading single-source supplier to these markets.”

Further information on SAFC’s POC offer can be found at the company article page.

